Prayers and Good Vibes for Tommy Arends and Andrew Scully

As many members of the Oiler community have heard, Tommy Arends and Andrew Scully suffered season ending injuries during the game Thursday. Unfortunately, as a result of a freak play, Tommy completely severed his small intestine and during another play Andrew Scully Fractured his collarbone. While injuries are a nature of the sport, Tommy's particular one is very peculiar as on-site doctors agreed they have never seen anything such as this. A severed intestine is something one may suffer as a result of a car accident, but rarely would you expect on the football field. Yet, here we are.

Thursday, after a reception Arends was tackled. He was down for a short time and as trainers walked onto the field he found the strength to walk to the sideline of his own accord. While the trainers checked on him they thought it best for him to get checked for internal bleeding. While at McLaren ER, the staff recommended him to be transferred to Midland. It was at Midland where tommy was rushed into surgery. The surgery went well and they are confident there will be no symptoms of infection.

Andrew is back at home recovering, however it is concerning that his injury is similar to one he suffered last year. Tommy will be in Midland for the next 2-4 days recovering and will be nursing this injury basketball season. Tommy does have a message for everyone out there, "It has been a privilege to play football for such a great community and fanbase. Cannot thank you guys enough for the unconditional love and support especially throughout this injury. Senior night is home October 20th. OILER FOR LIFE."


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