Interview with Freshmen Assistsnt Head Coach, Shane Travis

What criteria do you look for when selecting your team captain(s)? Do you have preseason meetings with your captains? If so, what sort of things do you discuss at these meetings?

I look for qualities such as leadership and “coachability”. Such things as extracurricular activities weigh in heavily on who becomes a team captain. Silent leaders are just as effective as one who energizes people through leading by example. They are voted on by coaches to eliminate the chance of a popularity contest. They choose three to four captains where one represents the offense and the defense and the last one is from either the offensive or defensive line.

What would you say are a few essential things to cover when having a preseason parent meeting?

One needs to establish a coach and parent relationship by explaining coaches’ coach and parents’ parent. There is a 24-hour rule when confronting issues. There are open lines of communication, open dialogue. He explains football is a dangerous sport. The risk can be reduced by teaching proper technique. At the beginning of the season, the team holds a coaches parent meeting with the AD, principal, assistant principal, and superintendent present. Also, start by introducing the coaches. 90 percent of the parents are good and the other ten percent create 100 percent of the problems.

What ways have you found to manage the stress of a long season?

I always to keep moving forward. The past is the past and being concerned with the present is critical. They also allow kids to take a two week break in between sports seasons for the players to take a break, along with the coaches.

How much time do you spend with your athletes on the mental side of the game? (i.e. scenarios) Do you think this time is better spent focusing on the physical skills?

The mental aspect of the game is just as, if not more than important practicing physical skills. Exemplified through numerous videos, “chalk talk”, and “flip the switch” (100% effort).

Do you have any requirements of your athletes leading up to a competition? (food, sleep, things to focus on)

Always treat oneself right by putting one’s priorities and needs before others. Hydration is critical when it is warm out, but equally is important throughout the rest of the season. Always be moving forward letting the past be the past.

- Jon Bevier
- Not affiliated with MPHS


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